The sustainability of steel constructions

Nowadays, every aspect of our life is influenced by the concept of SUSTAINABILITY: sustainability is an essential element of our times. We are more conscious that our wellness is linked to the health of the planet and we adopt sustainability as a criteria of choice between different kind of products.
We often state that the construction world needs major innovations: to be true, a great change is already present in front of our eyes. The opportunities offered to designers and developers are numerous and innovative, yet the real estate operators not oftenly are aware of the real economic and environmental costs related to construction and maintenance of an oper nor they are ready to adopt new approaches.
A cultural activity on the matter is fundamental to debunk incorrect knowledge and to show the real impact of steel and its construction technicnologies linked to its employment.
Thus Fondazione Promozione Acciaio decided to redact the document STEEL INFINITE PERESPECTIVES, devoted to a new culture of designing and to steel in general, essential resource in a circular economy vision.